June 21, 2011
(Rnl's note: no salutation on this letter, and page number "III" at the top of the page. The first double-sided page of writing was either lost or possibly removed by prison officials, as they read all or most letters before allowing them to be mailed.)
Pressure is reduced to insignificant levels. I've got time, ink, paper, all needed items for putting out letters; and I"m alert (whatever a-"lert" is) and at peace. Hope you appreciate my former efforts, as much was occurring the time they were inked into existence (Rnl's note: likely refers to the missing pages), mostly regarding the balance of my various meds and dietary needs, enough! I won't bring that part of my activities into this.
I 'm happier about things lately. My #1 priority right now is bringing my close management (CM) time to a close and quietly moving on--if possible.
So how are you these days? If you feel overburdened, or ever at your wits-end, I ask you to please keep one thing uppermost in your thoughts for me: it's long-established scientific fact that energy cannot be destroyed. When all the window dressings are removed, what we really are is a form of energy. We all have relatives by blood/marriage, surely, but are really only nothing but an animated water-balloon when it comes down to it.
I'm in an especially good mood as, per my post-visit efforts, I have a working radio now--that cost only $2.20 to get repaired! It even works better, now, for only the cost of 5 stamps; can't beat that.
I'm also looking forward very eagerly to being able to finally (!) have a face-to-face with my daughter. My reasons are ultimately selfish for anticipating it like I am, but when the frothy emotional appeals are take away, she's my daughter, and I've missed out on far too much of her life already! There is one reality to consider, thought, if she were to see me while I'm still on CM, the visit would be dramatically shortened timewise. That's the only thing I'd change, but can't. Oh well. "Can't sing, ain't pretty, and my legs are thin." (kudos to the Fleetwood Mac song) (Rnl's note: his daughter won't likely be persuaded to visit him for some time to come.)
J. says hi and wonders why such a long wait for mail from M. I'm going to get back on a bronc that keeps throwing me, to work out with J. in a couple of minutes. Hey, I just realized--I've got everything I needed to say copied down already. How about that!
On many occasions since incarceration became an unfortunate fact of my life, all I've had is my word--alone. I am nothing apart from it/them. Above all, it's paramount to be E-Z at all times, I'm finding.
Your odoriferously offending friend,
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