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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Letter 91

October 16, 2011

Dear Mom,

Had to take a break from my involvements as I've got an overwhelming habit of being promoted up to the level of my incompetence, and don't desire to be another idiotic inmate.
Other than the smaller and easily broken ties keeping me grounded, most all is well with me. How are things with you? Well, hopefully. Apparently, I chose the wrong place to get peace, as the T.V. is  loudly showing a football game to this zoo full of stupid people. I recall at one point many moons ago I liked watching football...seems like so much has happened internally that "the thrill is gone" to quote B. B. King.

All is much better here, as far as anger and violence go. There are unavoidable incidents with other inmates and guards, but usually much milder than anything at a D.O.C. camp because of the simple fact that no one wants any possibility of trouble here Now, I've stated that to lead into this: Although I believe you are doing all you possibly can to insure my stay here is a comfortable one, I need to tell you that I need some more money in my account, please.

Feel free to disregard this request if you want, or if you sent money this past week and I don't know it, as I can't disentangle myself long enough to get a report from the canteen. Be not deceived, GEO Corporation is in this business to make money...prisons and jails being the biggest legal business in the state. The almighty dollar is the end-all, be-all here, much as it runs at odds to what I've seen of the staff here.

Words alone fail to underscore completely the urgency of this request, for lack of a more fitting word. What I need more than even that is an opportunity to get to the canteen and find out the state of the funds available to me. In the coming week I will be more than caught up with my obligations here and have time to do as I want for a change and I've got additional requests to help me pass the time legally.

The first of these is, I arrived here with only the contents of a small grocery store bag to start out books. The library here has a very limited number of books that I have access to and I've read all of them. What I would like is to get books from like you got for me at Suwannee. Also, possibly, a subscription to the Rolling Stone magazine as a birthday present.

This letter began under my mistaken belief I had a bigger chance to get it done and ready to mail, but that was when I still thought it was an hour earlier than it is. Forgive me for rushing to complete this. I've got it figured out...for the donation of only $52,  you will make me a satisfied individual who won't introduce or entertain any topic with money in it for the rest of my 45th year. Of course, I'll go longer depending on if I'm able to get loose from all the schoolwork they've got me doing long enough to make it to the canteen. My celly says hi. I've got to go now.

Much love and regards to all,

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