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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Letter 76

August 16, 2011

Dear Mom,

Like the old commercial for a phone carrier, "Can you hear me now?" Let me assure you foremost that I'm okay. Though I believe Jesus is as well, I hesitate to speak for him as I could easily be mistaken. He gives off no signals as precursor to indicate how he really is...sphinx like. For the main, this chapter of my sentence is hopefully drawing to a close now.

I really don't think you need to concern yourself regarding Jesus at all. He has already taken steps, before his review, to safeguard the money set aside for the legal work. When he returns in a few minutes, I'll ask what they were. We are going through a tempest in a teapot here. I'll explain the best I can.

The "Recreation Squad" generally gets away with a lot that the regular officers/staff don't, as they provide a service that is optional to them...and it is outdoors. They don't seem to answer to a Lt. or Captain/Major either. In any case, I'm confusing the issue. They decided to make up some recreation time to us because of getting bumped by weather so often. However, an inspection was going on when they were coming on our wing and they couldn't yell out "Rec" as usual. I heard something, and spotted them coming and that is the only reason Jesus was alerted in time.

They left many behind that otherwise would go, touching off much noisy yelling of questions...impotently. Recreation Officers do whatever they want, regardless of any recourse by a smurf, and this is not right. That is another reason I don't play those reindeer games. So, and this is still developing, the only possible way to get any satisfaction is to tell an officer that one feels suicidal, making it an automatic psych. emergency, and involving the dorm Sgt. and on up.

The problem with that approach is that if at any time afterwards, some officer feels that it doesn't qualify as a bonafide emergency, then one is slammed with a D/R, lengthening the time one is on Close Management status by at least the time spent in disciplinary confinement. I'm not a shrink, but I'd bet $20 that is exactly what is happening here right now.

Jesus says he hopes your back gets better and, although he is impressed with your concern for him, he wants you to know it is without merit as he has many friends to watch his back. His words, not mine.

I really thought I had more to let you know; unfortunately, my musing was interrupted by lunch. I think the food situation has hit a plateau in terms of being offensive. Much like I was, it arrived small and hated. I have a long way to go to make it right with Renelle. Well, can think of nothing else to tell you, so I guess I'll stop now.

Much love and regards,

P.S. These are Jesus' words, not mine here: He says he wants a girlfriend of a reasonable age, to send him mail so he can further polish his English skills in writing. He is asking if you can help. He is already fairly fluent in speaking English. Now, I told him you are not my "pimp"'re my mom. The debate intensifies. For some reason, he is possessed by an urge to make up for lost time, educationally. Anyway, just to put a bug in your ear. Renelle is already in on the plot.

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