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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Letter 75

August 21, 2011

Dear Mom,

Greetings from the land of anarchy. I'm joking; the time seems frozen or passing before I realize in between. Since getting the all-important good review, the next and hopefully last phase of these proceedings is due to occur on August 24th. This entails being seen by the State Classification
Officer at which time I am given the opportunity to tell him where I would like to go to finish up.

I'm occupying myself over the weekend with collating and condensing what I intend to bring along on my journey to wherever I'm sent. It is a trying job for sure! More than likely, I should have been a mite more particular about all the junk I've kept socked away in my locker. Oh well, at least I'm not bored. It is relatively easy to keep my editorial opinions to myself now that I can ill-afford to be hit with a D.R. It is easy for me to see now how all of my experiences while incarcerated have been geared to break down my mind. If not for the combination of wise counsel from Jesus, coupled with being very motivated not to stay, I would have broken many a time.

Even so, the petty annoyances continue to mount here. The doctor that came to see me was escorted off the property and will suffer multiple charges, so I heard. I don't know how this letter will sit with the censor that reads it, but don't take this as a fact as it is only hearsay at this point. It seems he was first being checked out for the number of dietary passes he had approved. I don't know if this is true or not, but I've heard that one charge he will need to answer for is one of over-medicating those under his care. I long suspected something was amiss with the remeron I had to take. The reason I opened this the way I did is that since our Lt. was promoted to Captain he has either been on vacation or moved to another prison. I bring this up to mention that, as far as I know, he has yet to be replaced. Seems I'm going to be transferred none too soon from here. A great many gang members are being moved into the wing, and violence is sure to follow, giving more weight to the argument that things are "too soft" here, I'm sure. As if...otherwise, all is well, if that is any kind of correct terminology for the state of affairs here.

I've been considering my desire to contact Laura, and maybe you can coach me on that. Nothing would quite be as gratifying to me as a letter from her would be. Of course, that isn't likely...with her dividing her focus between school and a boyfriend. I wasn't born into captivity and, being young once myself, it isn't difficult to figure out which will get the lion's share of attention. I only hope that I don't become a grandpa while I'm still in prison. I want to tell her there is plenty of time for romance, but educating herself is very time-sensitive. Do you think that would be appropriate?

Jesus sends his regards, and it just occurred to me to ask why the glyphic representation of his name...when it would take a true simpleton not to know who is being referred to. I rest my case. Something else I may need help in is what alternate prison I want to go to for the rest of the time I have to serve. Tomoka is first, as they have a faith-based program I'm interested in. Where I want to go if unable to go there is the prison in Zephyrhills as they take only inmates age 40 and over.

Dad mentioned something about you knowing of a camp with computer access? That one I haven't heard of. If it exists, it is likely restricted to inmates with low custody levels or something like that. Write me and let me know. Guess my break is over.

Much love and regards,

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